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Thank you for considering adoption!


Please fill out an application form and be sure to add the animal you'd like to adopt.

Please note that exotics are not adoptable unless under very special circumstances. Just wanting an exotic will not qualify you to adopt one.


Once approved, please give our team 5 business days to get back to you. We will work as fast as we can.

Once approved, we will have a phone interview, a home check by the founder or a trusted member of AnimO.


If everything is not up to our standard but you're willing to listen and make changes to make your home safe for your new family member, or if your house is up to standard we will proceed to a 2 week trial period where you must check in everyday with a progress report.

During this time, send as much time as possible with your new friend and get to know each other. If all goes well, we win adoption papers, and at this time collect the adoption fee (which will vary in each species and circumstance) and your new friend will officially be your new family member. We do ask for updates from time to time.

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©2022 by AnimO

AnimO Sanctuary is a U.S designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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